
OASIS, and e-business data standardization in general, have benefited from strong leadership from technology-using governments since their inception. Regulatory and public administration activities are a key use case for many XML and e-commence projects. Many OASIS XML specifications have been initiated, enabled and strongly supported by global, regional, national and local government agencies.
Further, many data flows in commercial, legal and household activities must flow through or share data with government sources. So compatibility with public administration needs is an important requirement, even for many non-governmental, commercial and private harmonization projects.
The purpose of the eGov Member Section is:
* To serve as a focal point for discussions of governmental and public administration requirements for e-business standardization, and the outputs of OASIS technical committees.
* To assist in the dissemination of, and collection of responses for, public reviews and other appropriate events generated by OASIS TCs seeking technical input, to encourage feedback from relevant governmental implementers and users.
* To facilitate and encourage the re-use and information sharing for electronic government standards across multiple standards and other relevant organizations.
*To assist OASIS in organizational liaisons, as appropriate, with other open standards projects relevant to public administration.
* To facilitate government-oriented demonstration and interoperability materials and events employing open standards, to improve the quality of those standards, help evaluate their fit to public administration use cases, and increase their familiarity in the government sector.
* Where the specific needs suggest additional work, to discuss, scope and if needed initiate additional standardization projects within OASIS.
* To promote more effective sharing of eGovernment related experiences and best practices that could enhance the open standards environment.
* To serve as a common information point for those OASIS TCs working on public administration matters who wish to affiliate with the eGovernment Member Section.